Mac and Tracey get married at Clarion Hotel.

It was a lovely sunny day in the Summer and I had the pleasure of being able to photography a friends wedding.
The mini package was choosen for the day which covers mostly the cermony a few shots before and after.

The room was relaxed and the day was going smooth. A lot of fun was had whilst getting ready.
The lovely makeup artist Emily Emmet make up art did an amazing job.
The stunning dress was from I do wedding specialists.

The Guys.
The guys were there ready to go. Having some dutch courage in the bar whilst they waited for me to nab them and take them outside to pose.
They all did really well and the excitment was building up.

The cermony
As you know the hotel can be quiet dark inside. They tend to close all the curtains and use a lovely light up curtain which looked amazing to the naked eye, but a bit more tricky for my camera.
I don’t often have to use flash at weddings but this is a venue I do. Exposure was 1600-2500 iso 2.8 60th second at a push then added fill flash to bring it up!
Mac and Tracey choose to stand in a different place to normal and wow this worked so much better (for me).
I just loved the way these two just naturally blended together, seem to know when each other needed a smile.
I said “awww” out loud.

The standard around the table register pic and the fun ilse walk come next. I always tell my couples to try and keep in time with each other when they walk down the isle. Some like to escape the pressure of the room rather fast and can drag the other along behind them. I think mac and tracey had great timing.

One of the 1st things I do once people get maried is take them striaght outside for group shots.
This is more important on short weddings as we don’t have the leasure of waiting for people to naturally group, we need a little organising and bit encouragement to get them all togeher.

The couple shots.
This is when I steal the lovely couple away from the party for a tiny bit of time (which is always more time that the venue like as they chase me about asking when I will be done, keep this in mind when choosing times to eat!)
It gives the couple time to relax, connect and me to grab some amazing photos of just them without the preasure of eveyone watching.

The Room.
The room had been decorated by the whole sch bang one of my most favourite suppliers to work with.

This cake was done by Katie at KTS treats at 3 days notice! what an amazing job she did too! (orginal cake person had covid she saved the day with the same deal, same cake)